TODO: 0 - implement send command to sender in LoRa (now there is no feedback from receiver to sender if LoRa in use only) 1 - implement #ifdef DEBUG instead of if (debug_mode) 2 - improve CP html, add old values, checking if new are correct etc (check in sender sketch) 3 - // config["exp_aft"] never expire sensor - to avoid "unavailable" (but how to recognize if something not working?) 4 - add common libs to the path on server! Webserial: - http://HOSTNAME.local/log - commands: start, stop, info, reset, restart, update OTA: - http://HOSTNAME.local:8080/update 2024-05-01 3.10.1 - send "cleared" to individual gw cmd topic on clear_commands command 2024-05-01 3.10.0 - command_for_all_senders_topic introduced to send only 1 message with command to all gateways: /client/allgateways/cmd/.... 2024-04-19 3.9.1 - replaced VERSION with ZH_PROG_VERSION 2024-04-19 3.9.0 - firmware moved to internet - automatic ftp of binary file to ftp 2024-02-08 3.8.4 - update comment only - no need to recompile 2024-01-15 3.8.3 - availability topic inside top level and not as sensor 2024-01-14 3.8.2 - changing topics and top level topic, ALL data done 2024-01-14 3.8.1 - changing topics and top level topic, gw data done 2024-01-13 3.8.0 - limit mqtt_publish_***_config() to only 1 time after restart (all sensors) - after delete from HA must restart the bridge! (some in main.cpp and most in mqtt_publish_gw_data.h) - restart button left with config always it so still possible to restart from HA as the button will appear there after deletion - most mqtt messages use universal functions except: - mqtt_publish_gw_status_values() - mqtt_publish_switch_publish_values() - HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_S = 15 - move VERSION to platformio.ini 2024-01-10 3.7.3 - splitting receiver from sendor on gitlab 2024-01-09 3.7.3 - HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_S=60, as still gw sends always its configs - WAIT_FOR_WIFI=10s 2024-01-09 3.7.2 - send sender's config mqtt message only on boot=1 of the sensor device - to avoid mqtt traffic - weblog off as compiled remotely 2024-01-08 3.7.1 - when DEBUG defined, the sensors dont receive the command - never compile with DEBUG for Production! 2024-01-02 3.7.0 - fatal error in publish_gw_data - wrong conversion form IP to char - esphome/AsyncTCP-esphome@2.0.0 to avoid issues wiht 2.0.1 2023-11-21 3.6.2 - retain_flag corrected (it was always false) 2023-09-23 3.6.1 - retain_flag rewritten, false for push_buttons (042) 2023-08-22 3.6.0 - ota_enabled done 2023-08-22 3.6.b7 - mqtt_publish_sensors_values() corrected 2023-08-22 3.6.b1 - ota_enabled - flag to exclude/include sensor device from OTA - usefull if you mark ALL devices to perform OTA but you don't want to perform on some (i.e. dining/living etc.) 2023-08-18 3.5.b2 - rename senders device name to: "name (device_id)" i.e. "Office (100)" or "Garage (28)" - rename gw devices as well 2023-08-18 3.5.b1 - flags introduced to reduce/control amount of sensors/entity_id on HA 2023-08-18 3.4.1 - added: #define RETAIN_SENSORS_DATA 1 // 0 or comment out to disable #define RETAIN_GATEWAY_DATA 1 // 0 or comment out to disable 2023-08-18 3.4.0 - INA3221 integrated 2023-08-16 3.4.b1 - testing: DON'T retain the sensors data (only data - configs are still retained) and gw data 2023-08-16 3.3.3 - final (?) correction of INA measurement: Volts, Amperes, Watts 2023-08-14 3.3.2 - change name and model 2023-08-13 3.3.1 - correction in light 2023-08-13 3.3.0 - changing naming for all sensors done: name: "esp32100 Office" - HOSTNAME + DEVICE_NAME mode: "ESP32S2, ESPnow, env+mot" - (board, comm_type, dev_type/SENSOR_TYPE) 2023-08-13 3.3.b2 - added object_id to solve mqtt naming issues on HA (sensors) 2023-08-13 3.3.b1 - added object_id to solve mqtt naming issues on HA (GW only) 2023-08-07 3.2.b6 - change W to mW (although there is a warning in HA as illegal unit - problem solved by disabling: "config["dev_cla"] = "power"") 2023-08-05 3.2.b5 - removed blinking LEDs from loop (error fix) 2023-08-05 3.2.b4 - heartbeat 30s 2023-07-31 3.2.b3 - change mW to W 2023-07-28 3.2.b2 - // config["exp_aft"] = exp_after - never expire sensor - to avoid "unavailable" (but how to recognize if something not working?) 2023-07-15 3.2.b1 - added INA260 (current/volts/power measurements) - set properly WiFi protocols in case other were in use (common library/captive portal) 2023-07-15 3.1.b2 - renamed: - esp32029 - gw1 in hall, configures as ESPnow but with LoRa capability if needed when relocated - esp32045 - gw4, new board, noy yet deployed 2023-07-15 3.1.b1 - separated devices for ESPnow and LoRa (too much of time consuming and panic) - changed esp32045 to LoRa only - renamed from 029 gw1 hall - added esp32029 - new board, ESPnow only (not yet installed) - changed eso32027 and 030 to ESPnow only 2023-07-14 3.0.b6 - MAX_MQTT_ERROR 30 to reduce MQTT timeout (each try takes around 4s so 4x 30 = 120s) 2023-07-14 3.0.b5 - some cleaning 2023-07-11 3.0.b4 - some cleaning 2023-07-09 3.0.b2 - testing LoRa 2023-07-09 3.0.b1 - testing LoRa 2023-07-05 2.27.1 - exp_aft minimum for sensors = 60s, else 2x sleep time 2023-07-04 2.27.0 - valid flag in data structure - accepted 2023-06-21 2.27.b2 - valid flag in data structure - continuing 2023-06-20 2.27.b1 - valid flag in data structure - don't publish to HA if valid = 0 (default value = 1) 2023-06-14 2.26.0 - testing S3 as gateway - accepted more - config["en"] = false; - battery 2023-06-12 2.26.b1 - testing S3 as gateway 2023-06-07 2.25.1 - force update ALWAYS, otherwise no history in Grafana!!! 2023-06-07 2.25.0 - accepted 2023-06-07 2.25.b2 - cleaning exp_aft - sleep_time_s * 3(sensors), no exp_aft for gateways (as here we have hostname_available topic) 2023-06-07 2.25.b1 - availability topic on: hostname/sensor/availability that becomes offline if mqtt/sensor/connectivity is lost - around 25s - new sensor: hostname_available i.e.: "sensor.esp32029_available": value = {"available":"online/offline"} - ONLY FOR GATEWAYS 2023-06-07 2.24.b3 - config["frc_upd"] = "true"; to config["frc_upd"] = "false"; 2023-05-30 2.24.b2 - config["exp_aft"] = sleep_time_s * 3; 2023-05-30 2.24.b1 - sleep_time_s - testing 2023-05-20 2.23.0 - accepted working_time_ms 2023-05-19 2.23.0b1 - new myData structure - working_time_ms 2023-05-19 2.22.1 - new firmware server path on Mac 2023-03-19 2.22.0 - set hostname properly 2023-03-07 2.21.0 - full revert 2.17.0: all mqtt messages are retained 2023-02-28 2.20.0 - half revert 2.17.0: all config topics are retained, value topics non retained 2023-02-27 2.19.1e - use co2_received to trigger publishing 2023-02-27 2.19.1d - reverted 2.19.0, using 2.19.1 instead 2023-02-27 2.19.1 - don't publish CO2 if < MIN_CO2 2023-02-27 2.19.0 - mqtt_publish_sensor_with_unit_value() accepts value as char* but publishes as float! 2023-02-27 2.18.1 - FW update timer: FW_UPDATE_TIME_S - 180s - to avoid hanging without handling it 2023-02-27 2.18.0 - restart if MQTT not connected for MAX_MQTT_ERROR seconds (180) 2023-02-27 2.17.0 - exp_aft removed for all except rssi: - sensors: - 900s (env or env+mot) or - 3700s (battery or push_b + motion) - gw=60s - all MQTT are now NOT retained! 2023-02-26 2.16.b2 - config["en"] = false; for 9 sensors 2023-02-23 2.16.b1 - push buttons implemented 2023-02-23 2.15.b2 - add IP of gateway 2023-02-23 2.15.b1 - light_high_sensitivity: 0 - low, light meas. time 13ms, 1 - high, light meas. time 403ms 2023-02-16 2.14.3a - CP_TIMEOUT_S = 180s / 3min for my receivers 2023-02-16 2.14.3 - mqtt not forced during upgrade from weblog 2023-02-16 2.14.2b1 - testing mqtt off from weblog 2023-02-16 2.14.1 - CP_TIMEOUT_S = 600s / 5min for CLIENT 2023-02-16 2.14.0 - failure with Git(hub) 2023-02-15 2.13.1c - cleaning variables 2023-02-15 2.13.1b - gateway serving as sensor on sender 2023-02-15 2.13.1a - corrections: #if (xxx == 1) 2023-02-14 2.13.1 - motion_enabled as sensor (not binary_sensor) 2023-02-13 2.13.0 - motion_enabled implemented 2023-02-12 2.12.4 - corrected humidity unit to % 2023-02-01 2.12.3 - corrected clearing the queue AGAIN but now it is ok ;-) 2023-01-31 2.12.2 - corrected clearing the queue 2023-01-31 2.12.1 - removed clearing the queue - work on it later 2023-01-30 2.12.0 - added lux measurement using TEPT4400 2023-01-30 2.11.0 - added temperature from BMP280 2023-01-29 2.10.0 - added MHZ19B CO2 sensor - OTA_ACTIVE, USE_WEB_SERIAL per device config 2023-01-29 2.9.0 - implemented badbootcount - only restart on command resets badbootcount, any other restart (on ESP.restart()) i.e. MQTT error will cause badbootcount to increase good restarts: - fw update - queue reset - any restart on command: webserial, mqtt, button, etc bad restarts: - MQTT error - wifi error - queue error - if badbootcount > MAX_BAD_BOOT_COUNT erase_nvs() is performed - when first time heartbeat() is successful it will reset badbootcount 2023-01-29 2.8.2 - added WebSerial.println() to fw_update.h, mqtt.h, main.c - stop checking MQTT if FW update requested from webserial - new global variable: skip_mqtt - more command to webserial (info, restart, reset, update) - print2web enabled at start, disabled by end of setup() 2023-01-28 2.8.1 - last_cmd_received to count COMMAND_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_S from last command received 2023-01-28 2.8.0 - all LEDs can be managed from HA (on/off, dimm) - LED removed from connect_wifi() - LED_GPIO_GATEWAY obligatory to work 2023-01-27 2.7.0 - all LED related macros redefined, BLUE-standby, RED-sensor, GREEN-gateway 2023-01-27 2.6.1 - added BMP280 air pressure to gateway - COMMAND_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_S to clear cmd_for_sender queue - publish to HA queue with commands size - clear queue with commands from HA (button) - added: bool mqtt_publish_text_sensor_config(const char* text_sensor); bool mqtt_publish_text_sensor_value(const char* text_sensor, const char* text_sensor_value); bool mqtt_publish_sensor_with_unit_config(const char* sensor_with_unit, const char* sensor_unit); bool mqtt_publish_sensor_with_unit_value(const char* sensor_with_unit, const char* sensor_unit, const char* sensor_with_unit_value); - void measure_temp_pressure(char *pressure); - publish config before publishing values always - 2023-01-26 2.6.0b5 - sensor devices act on commands from receiver ;-) 2023-01-24 2.6.0b1- receiver sends confirmation to sender with command (u_int8_t), sender acts on the command accordingly - timeout set on sender side to be WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_MS=100ms 2023-01-22 2.4.0 - reversing to publishing configs before publishing values 2023-01-21 2.3.1 - added USE_INFLUXDB to bypass MQTT (for testing purposes only for HomeKit) - disabled by default now 2023-01-18 2.3.0 - update firmware for CLIENT(s) on web, on local server for my devices - MQTT server, port, user, password on captive_portal 2023-01-10 2.2.5 - // config["exp_aft"] for rssi, now all are not expiring 2023-01-03 2.2.4 - serial2web http://esp.local/log start to start, stop to stop prining on web, default is stopped 2022-12-25 2.1.0 - dedicated MQTT_SERVER x.43 2022-12-12 2.0.2 - corrections: - rssi was not published as promiscuous_rx_cb was omitted - solved - reshuffle functions definitions - change: - abandon zhwifi.h file - #define MQTT_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER in config.h 2022-12-11 2.0.1 - corrections in captive_portal.h (variable names, DNS) and MQTT_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER in change_mac() 2.0.0 - captive portal done, it seems to work ;-) all is done in 1 file only: captive-portal.h so it should be movable to other sketches - if wifi not ok CP starts - if CP timeout occures nvs is reset, old wifi credentials are restored, restart happens and it tries WiFi again - CP blinks LED provided in wifi_connected = connect_wifi(STATUS_GW_LED_GPIO_RED); returns bool true when connected 2022-12-11 1.26.b2- added blinking LED (error_led, global variable must be!) during CP active 2022-12-10 1.26.b1- added captive portal and nvs_reset() on restart from HA - check if all is OK !!! 1.25.0 - platformio.ini scripted - choosing boards in platformio.ini now - not in config.h (but still full board config is in config.h) 1.24.0 - wifi_ok added to myData to indicate if WiFi is configured on device sensor 2022-12-02 1.23.b3 - mqtt_publish_gw_last_updated_sensor_config never expire (as some gateways are totally idle) 1.23.b2 - added MDNS so device can be reached on hostname.local 1.23.b1 - every GW has fixed fake MAC address 2022-11-19 1.22.1 - temp and hum expire after 400s (6 minutes 40 seconds) 2022-10-31 1.22.0 - board type makes model in MQTT device 2022-10-31 1.21.10 - RESTART GW on queue FULL as data is not important anymore few minutes/hours later 2022-10-21 1.21.9 - redo setup_wifi, move some functions from espnow_start to start_wifi - all to reduce disconnections for S3 and C3 2022-10-20 1.21.8 - correcting fw_update.h for C3 2022-10-20 1.21.7 - correcting pins for ESP32-S, cleaning 2022-10-20 1.21.6 - correction in fw_update.h: #ifdefined LEDs... 2022-10-19 1.21.5 - config["exp_aft"] does not expire for anything except rssi - rssi does not expire for new sender_type = battery 2022-10-17: 1.21.4 - improved wifi settings for wifi (all protocols) 2022-10-17: 1.21.3 - testing long range esp_wifi_set_protocol( WIFI_IF_AP, WIFI_PROTOCOL_LR ); 2022-10-15: 1.21.2 - charging, boot, ontime, pretty_ontime - are now in all sensor types 2022-10-15: 1.21.1 - remove config["exp_aft"] = 3600; from motion sensor - never expire then 2022-10-13: 1.21.0 - "_pretty_ontime" changed to "_prettyontime" to distinguish them on HA 2022-10-11: 1.20.0 - finally ready 2022-10-11: 1.20.b8 - cleaning done for (probably) all functions 2022-10-10: 1.20.b5f - merged to main 1.20.b5f3- mqtt_publish_sensors_data.h corrected fully 1.20.b5f5- espnow.h corrected fully 1.20.b5f6- mqtt.h corrected fully 1.20.b6 - more cleaning done 2022-10-10: 1.20.b5c - b5 based, reconnect and loop in loop(), nice prints from publish 1.20.b5d - heartbeat in loop() 1.20.b5e - only setup_wifi() as task - all others in loop (reconnect, mqtt_loop, gw-update, sensors-update) 2022-10-10: 1.20.b5 - DON'T change MAC address - not needed and conflicting - mqtt reconnect and loop in loop() - 2022-10-08: 1.20.b3 - updateFirmware working 2022-10-08: 1.20.b1 - rewrite on vTasks with fully working queue 2022-10-06: 1.19.3 - cleanup of MOTION_SENSOR_GPIO 2022-10-02: 1.19.2 - cancelling 1.19.1 2022-10-02: 1.19.1 - enable queue again - testing 2022-10-02: 1.19.0 - change UPDATE_FIRMWARE_HOST to baboon server 2022-09-17: 1.18.1 - UPDATE_INTERVAL 60s 2022-09-14: 1.18.0 - "env" + "motion" + "env+mot" in mqtt_publish_sensors_data for unified sensor device 2022-08-06: 1.17.2 - add device type to name on HA 1.17.1 - batchr and batpct for motion sensors added 2022-08-05: 1.17.0 - official release 1.17.0 including both: env and motion sensors 2022-08-04: 1.12.1c - add battery to motion sensors 1.12.1b - 2nd correction for "turn RED LED on when publish switch is OFF" 1.12.1a - correction for "turn RED LED on when publish switch is OFF" 1.12.1 - deregister callback during update to HA to avoid interference between sensors - turn RED LED on when publish switch is OFF 2022-07-26: 1.12.0 - change of the data structure 2022-07-24: 1.11.b2 - device name with or without MAC (chose in mqtt_publish_sensors_config()) - model = ESP32 2022-07-09: 1.11.b1 - added: char sender_type[10]; // "motion" "env" char motion[2]; // "0" "1" [2] for motion devices to reuse gateway with the same message structure 2022-07-09: 1.10.1 - corrections 1.10.0 - remove MOTION sensor because of interference with antenna 2022-07-09: 1.9.3 - cleaning (Serial.println(), config.h etc.) 1.9.2 - motion with interrupts - keep motion "Detected" for entire motion_delay_s time since the last detection (not the first detection) - few cosmetics 2022-07-08: 1.9.1 - motion sensor added working always on Gateway 2022-07-04: 1.9.b1 - battery change rate, redo myData structure 2022-07-04: 1.8.2 - version and uptime added to GW status 2022-07-02: 1.8.1 - 3 LEDs, POWER_ON_LED_GPIO_GREEN with PWM 2022-07-02: 1.8.0 - common script for multiple receivers (DEVICE_ID and config.h) 2022-06-29: 1.7.2 - added support for ESP32-S3 board - 2x LED: 1 for gateway device (STATUS_GW_LED_GPIO_RED) and 1 for sensor device (SENSORS_LED_GPIO_BLUE) 2022-06-26: 1.7.1 - change name of the device on HA (all devices) to: ESPnow_hostname_name 2022-06-26: 1.7.0 - incoming messages in the queue to avoid losing data 2022-06-24: 1.6.2 - #define GND_GPIO_FOR_LED 13 // if not equipped comment out - GND for ACTIVITY_LED_GPIO - testing esp_wifi_set_protocol(WIFI_IF_STA, WIFI_PROTOCOL_11B|WIFI_PROTOCOL_11G|WIFI_PROTOCOL_11N|WIFI_PROTOCOL_LR); to extend the range of radio (no conclusion yet) 2022-06-22: 1.6.1 - pretty_ontime implemented as string 2022-06-22: 1.6.0 - ontime implemented in seconds 2022-06-21: 1.5.0 - gateway firmware update implemented 2022-06-19: 1.4.1 - cleaning for github 2022-06-18: 1.4.0 - bootCount added 2022-06-15: 1.3.0 - switch "publish" to enable/disable publishing to HA - buttons: update/restart - update FW on gateway not yet implemented 2022-06-11: 1.2.0 - added device name on sender, on receiver, it goes to name of the device on HA 2022-06-11: 1.1.0 - added lux from TEPT/ADC, added CHARGING 2022-06-10: 1.0.0 - journey started ;-)