TODO: 1 - feedback and commands to sender while using LoRa 2 - for USE_DALLAS_18B20 don't rely on device id - measure temperature for all sensors connected (even though there is only one temperature sensor on HA) - multisensors later 3 - RTC GPIO only for deep sleep and check with are LOW on boot and after boot (ESP32 datasheet) - GPIO 1 on S2 not good - move PIR to GPIO7 on my custom PCB! Keep GPIO 4 for FW upgrade (search for "ie=0" in datasheet.pdf in section "IO MUX") button operation: 1: very short push: - normal forced run then sleep 2: very short < x <3s - FW upgrade 3: 3s< x < 6s - start CP 4: x >6s - Erasing ALL stored data on ESP, goes to sleep 2024-04-28 3.9.7 - introduced esp32047 - Larisa, WeAct C3 based 2024-04-27 3.9.6 - corrected get_volts() again - in DEBUG only 2024-04-27 3.9.5 - corrected get_volts() again NO NEED TO RECOMPILE between 3.9.3 and 3.9.5 for sensors apart from 42,43,83 moved "automatic adjustment of ADC_BITS" to common part of devices_config moved "EMERGENCY - LOW BATTERY - don't start WiFi or ESPnow" to be common for both MAX17048 and ADC measurement 2024-04-24 3.9.4 - modified get_volts(), max iteration = 50 2024-04-19 3.9.3 - some errors corrected - complete setup for WeAct Studio ESP32 C3, esp32083 - LED ON/OFF works only for PWM LED (maybe it can be corrected later?) 2024-04-19 3.9.2 - ACT_BLUE_LED_GPIO_INVERTED - WeAct Studio ESP32 C3 with LED=8 has LED GPIO inverted - active LOW - built in LED is not working during fw_update and CP on WeAct Studio ESP32 C3 - don't know why 2024-04-19 3.9.1 - improved data_recv.command execution (avoiding execution when not needed) 2024-04-18 3.9.0 - firmware moved to internet - automatic ftp of binary file to ftp 2024-04-14 3.8.5 - implemented "define DONE_GPIO 7" for using with TPL511x but that does not save energy in case of these sensors (check DEVICE_ID == 82) plus no power on black/blue PCB would mean no MAX17048 measurements - corrected bootCount calculations/manipulations - sleep_for_1s() instead of restarts on received commands over MQTT/ESPnow - every command received except fw update, ota server and 0, causes esp to go to sleep for 1s only to apply the changes - instead of restart - that should save some battery 2024-04-14 3.8.4 - corrected WiFi IP address (WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str()) - received commands: - all in switch/case instead of ifs 2024-04-14 3.8.3e - added S3 bare module with CDC/USB-OTG as esp32093 - removed Krzychu from platformio.ini and devices_config.h - modified a bit PPK2_GPIO part while testing S3 - measured S3 delays (on boot and tail) 2024-04-10 3.8.3d - esp32039 - garage front mot.: PIRs changed from: 1 to 7 - esp32101 - Dining: PIRs changed from: 1 to 7, added 10k pull up resistor for GPIO0 2024-04-10 3.8.3c - esp32036 - Lidia: PIRs changed from: 1 to 7, added 10k pull up resistor for GPIO0, changed to Milena - esp32038 - Toilet b.: PIRs changed from: 1 to 7, added 10k pull up resistor for GPIO0 2024-04-10 3.8.3b - esp32100 - Office: PIRs changed from: 1 to 7 and 2 to 15, added 10k pull up resistor for GPIO0 2024-04-10 3.8.3a - esp32028 - Garage: PIRs changed from: 1 to 7 and 2 to 15, added 10k pull up resistor for GPIO0 2024-04-10 3.8.3 - DON'T restart on receiving ANY commmand (unless needed) including set sleep time, change gw, light_high_sensitivity etc. 2024-04-10 3.8.2 - DON'T restart on receiving MOTION ENABLE/DISABLE to conserve the battery 2024-04-08 3.8.1a - esp32035 - Tailor: PIR changed from 1 to 7 - esp32033 - Living: PIR changed from 1 to 7 2024-01-11 3.8.1 - start rewiring some sensors - use proper GPIO for PIR and PUSHBUTTONS - check ESP32 documentation! esp32031 - Printers: PIR changed from 1 to 7 esp32042 - push.buttons: assigned FW_UPGRADE_GPIO to lowest button = GPIO8 - before it was fake so always rebooting - only 5 usefull buttons now 2024-01-11 3.7.1 - extra checks for GPIO motion, fw, push b. 2024-01-10 3.7.0 - for ESP32 (S,S2,S3): added support for FW_UPGRADE_GPIO_ACTIVE both HIGH and LOW, HIGH by default - ALWAYS USE RESISTOR for ESP32, S2 and S3 ACTIVE LOW can be only if: - MOTION and PUSHBUTTONS are NOT in use (they are both HIGH and ESPIDF accepts only either: ANY HIGH or ALL LOW as wakeup cause for these MCUs) - Boot GPIO is not allowed to be ACTIVE HIGH (as it is always pulled up) - be careful with FW_UPGRADE_GPIO NOT to be the same as PUSHBUTTONS or MOTION_SENSOR_GPIO - load_config at the very beginning to be able to stare LED very early - PMW value is in config (otherwise LED has PWM=0) - example: esp32082 (S2) 2024-01-10 3.6.0 - for ESP32C3: added support for FW_UPGRADE_GPIO_ACTIVE both HIGH and LOW, HIGH by default (so not needed to define per device if HIGH is ok) - for all MCUs (supported) added check if FW_UPGRADE_GPIO is RTC and if not, error compiling it - ESP32C3 does not require external resistors - other MCUs (S, S2) resistor is MANDATORY (check S3) (actually even C3 is very light pulled so resistor would be better) - example: esp32083 (C3) 2024-01-10 3.5.3 - integrated WeAct Studio ESP32 C3 - no difference from other C3, LED GIPIO=8 (blue) but not blinking during FW update - FW_UPGRADE_GPIO: GPIO0 does not work as code expectc ACTIVE HIGH - initiate_all_leds(); moved to the beginning - small correction with printing SSID 2024-01-10 3.5.2 - splitting receiver from sendor on gitlab - move changelog.txt to main folder 2023-12-02 3.5.2 - wemos S3 mini done - Captive Portal timeout 10min - esp32045 Toilet up 2 new sensor (no battery, no LED, no charging) 2023-10-08 3.5.1 - SLEEP_TIME_H_BATTERY_EMPTY 1 2023-08-27 3.5.0 - SLEEP_TIME_H_BATTERY_EMPTY 6, ota_enabled accepted 2023-08-22 3.5.b4 - correction in USE_MAX31855 (rather than 3.4.b3 -> USE_MAX17048) 2023-08-22 3.5.b1 - ota_enabled - flag to exclude/include sensor device from OTA - usefull if you mark ALL devices to perform OTA but you don't want to perform on some (i.e. dining/living etc.) 2023-08-18 3.4.b3 - correcting thermocouple USE_MAX17048 == 1 in flags 2023-08-18 3.4.b2 - correcting names 2023-08-18 3.4.b1 - flags introduced to reduce/control amount of sensors/entity_id on HA 2023-08-18 3.3.0 - INA3221 integrated 2023-08-16 3.2.1 - units from both INA260 and INA3221 are: V, A, W - integrated INA3221: 3 channel current/voltage/power measrement - but only 1 channel is programmed due to only v1,i1,p1 on HA 2023-08-07 3.2.b5 - change W to mW (although there is a warning in HA as illegal unit - problem solved by disabling: "config["dev_cla"] = "power"") 2023-08-05 3.2.b4 - wemos S3 mini lolin integrated but it does not print - too short working time and it has no UART, but all works - changes in hibernate (reverted few changes) 2023-07-31 3.2.b3 - change mW to W 2023-07-25 3.2.b2 - don't print anything in DEBUG in set_error_XX_led_level() - print DS18B20 address even without DEBUG 2023-07-21 3.2.b1 - added INA260 (current/volts/power measurements) - set properly WiFi protocols in case other were in use (common library/captive portal) 2023-07-16 3.1.b3 - FW_UPGRADE_GPIO IS obligatory AGAIN (otherwise no reset no restart no CP possible from button) 2023-07-16 3.1.b2 - corrections for PUSH_BUTTONS_ONLY and FW_UPGRADE_GPIO 2023-07-16 3.1.b1 - added more PIR sensors (multi PIR sensor) to avoid black spots - #define MOTION_ENABLED, #define NUMBER_OF_MOTION_SENSORS - improvements in setup() and hibernate() - FW_UPGRADE_GPIO is not obligatory anymore but still compile error in devices_config.h kept 2023-07-14 3.0.b5 - some cleaning 2023-07-11 3.0.b4 - some cleaning 2023-07-11 3.0.b3 - delay() are smaller now (inside LED mainly but not only) - changes in send_data_espnow() - print messages 2023-07-09 3.0.b2 - testing LoRa 2023-07-09 3.0.b1 - testing LoRa 2023-07-08 2.20.6 - another improvements in setup() 2023-07-07 2.20.5 - when command received, checking if target state is already there - if so, no changes 2023-07-07 2.20.4 - few improvements in setup() 2023-07-07 2.20.3 - few improvements in hibernate() 2023-06-30 2.20.2 - TRV with charging onboard - testing 2023-06-28 2.20.1 - cleaning/replacing Serial.print() and Serial.println() with Serial.printf() - exception in ds18b20 2023-06-27 2.20.0 - command=24 resets ontime/pretty_ontime, ADC finished and accepted 2023-06-23 2.20.b1 - added ADC battery measurements (Volts and %) - check esp32042 as an example 2023-06-21 2.19.b2 - valid flag in data structure - continuing 2023-06-20 2.19.b1 - valid flag in data structure - don't publish to HA if valid = 0 (default value = 1) 2023-06-19 2.18.0 - pool thermometer became esp32043 2023-06-19 2.18.b2 - pool thermometer - more work (finished?) 2023-06-14 2.18.b1 - pool thermometer + some reworks with PUSH_BUTTONS_ONLY and LCD 2023-06-07 2.17.0 - get_lux rework accepted 2023-06-03 2.17.b4 - rework get_lux again 2023-06-02 2.17.b3 - rework get_lux again 2023-06-02 2.17.b2 - rework get_lux to avoid saturation 2023-05-30 2.17.b1 - sleep_time_s - testing 2023-05-20 2.16.0 - accepted 2023-05-19 2.16.0b1 - new myData structure - working_time_ms 2023-05-18 2.15.5 - Adafruit implementation of TSL2561 instead of SparkFunTSL2561 2023-05-17 2.15.4 - new firmware server path on Macbook Pro "/Volumes/scripts/001..." - OTA web server on ESP32 in case no way to reach firmware server - call it with MQTT command 202 2023-05-17 2.15.3 - measure=lux.h - if (lux > 30000) light_high = true; 2023-04-07 2.15.2 - cleaning config 2023-03-25 2.15.1 - g_bootCount updates (resets to 0, increase after g_bootCount before sending) 2023-03-19 2.15.0 - set hostname properly 2023-03-04 2.14.b1 - touch pad implementation started 2023-02-25 2.13.b3 - corrections in USE_MAX31855 - extra delays 2023-02-23 2.13.b2 - DEBOUNCE_MS_ANY_GPIO=5, DEBOUNCE_MS_FW_GPIO=200, DEBOUNCE_MS_PUSHBUTTON=100 2023-02-23 2.13.b1 - push buttons implemented 2023-02-23 2.12.b1 - light_high_sensitivity: 0 - low, light meas. time 13ms, 1 - high, light meas. time 403ms - commands: 5 = high, 6 = low 2023-02-21 2.11.0 - lux measurements with auto gain (function from bedroom sketch) 2023-02-20 2.10.0 - ESP32S integrated - thermocouple sensor integrated (041) with MAX31855 (only ESP32S working due to SPI implementation in the library) - commands to set SLEEP_TIME_S: 30-1s 31-3s 32-5s 33-10s 34-15s 35-30s 36-60s 37-90s 38-120s 39-180s 40-300s 41-600s 42-900s 43-1800s 44-3600s 2023-02-17 2.9.3 - possibility to force sensor device to specific GW (commands: 21, 22, 23) 2023-02-16 2.9.2 - reset bootcount on restart command asap so that after start it shows 1 2023-02-16 2.9.1a - 2 gateways for krzych 2023-02-16 2.9.0 - failure with Git(hub) 2023-02-15 2.8.3b - restart after enabling/disabling motion 2023-02-15 2.8.3a - only 1 gateway for krzych 2023-02-13 2.8.3 - if no lux sensor, set LED only from HA - don't apply anything default 2023-02-13 2.8.2 - don't restart on motion_enabled change 2023-02-13 2.8.1 - motion_enabled implemented 2023-02-13 2.8.0 - short push of the FW update button: normal forced run, FW update only if the push is long (so that ESP senses button after wake up) 2023-02-13 2.7.3 - correction in PWM 2023-02-12 2.7.2 - correction in PWM - g_led_pwm = 50/255; if no lux sensor in use 2023-02-12 2.7.1 - correction in PWM 2023-02-12 2.7.0 - PWM for LED with automation both local on ESP and from HA 2023-02-12 2.6.6 - cleaning devices_config.h and platformio.ini 2023-02-01 2.6.5 - revert 2.6.4 2023-02-01 2.6.4 - don't restart on erase_all_data() command - go to sleep 2023-01-27 2.6.2 - 3 gateways for CLIENT 2023-01-27 2.6.1 - CALIBRATE_TEMPERATURE and CALIBRATE_HUMIDITY added 2023-01-26 2.6.0 - all seem to work 2023-01-26 2.6.0b5 - sensor devices act on commands from receiver ;-) 2023-01-24 2.6.0b1 - receiver sends confirmation to sender with command (u_int8_t), sender acts on the command accordingly - timeout set on sender side to be WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_MS=100ms 2023-01-21: 2.5.0 - "unknow" changes ;-( 2022-12-31: 2.4.1 - correction for ENABLE_3V_GPIO - 1h SLEEP_TIME_S for TRVs 2022-12-31: 2.4.0 - add charging_int as result of charging_state() - pinMode for charging and power at the beginning of setup() - u_int8_t charging_state(); instead of void, at the beginning of setup() - hibernate() not anymore hibernate but deep sleep ;-( - current still 38uA - since charging is checked at the beginning, no 1 reboot delay to report it properly - resetting ontime when charging != NC - correction in html page 2022-12-11: 2.3.1 - don't blink in tasks if LED GPIOs are not defined or it segfaults (this is mainly for C3 - no need for upgrading other boards to 2.3.1) - max sleep time in Captive Portal: 86400s (24h) 2022-12-10: 2.3.0 - wifi_ok added to myData to indicate if WiFi is configured on device sensor 2.2.0 - platformio.ini scripted - choosing boards in platformio.ini now - not in devices_config.h (but still full board config is in devices_config.h) 2022-12-09: 2.1.0 - sorted (?) AP and CP that were not starting (removed STA connection just before AP connection -> now AP works) - sorted lack of some GPIO configured for html page - RED LED ON if wifi not configured (although ESPNow works without WiFi configured) 2022-12-08: 2.0.1 - use last 2 bytes of fake MAC in case DEVICE_ID > 99 2022-12-08: 2.0.0 - captive portal improved with all data - change MAC to fake to keep the same device on HA irrespective of new MCU - led_blink_erase - red led blinks during erasing all data - html page in separate file 2022-12-07: 2.0.0b8 - wifi (ssd, password, sleeptime) in config 2.0.0b7 - preferences vanished, config file in json (encrypted or not - configurable) in /config.dat - ontime, bootCount, channel, last_gw done - not yet wifi (ssid and password) 2022-12-06: 2.0.0b1 - complete rework including Captive Portal etc (based on HomeKit HomeSpan sensors) - work started, esp32100 tested and working // ============================ END OF VERSION 1.x.x ========================== 2022-12-02: 1.24.b1 - no more fixed WiFi channel, all senders send to 1 of GW from the pool, each GW has fixed fake MAC address, based on their availability - not according to signal strength 2022-11-10: 1.23.1 - added ESP32S 2022-11-06: 1.23.0 - board type makes model in MQTT device 2022-11-06: 1.22.6 - bootCount changed to unsigned int 2022-11-06: 1.22.5 - more info printed (MCU type, boot and wake up reasons) 2022-10-30: 1.22.4 - replace VERSION with ZH_PROG_VERSION as some libs use VERSION 2022-10-30: 1.22.3 - mistake in turning ON RED LED - solved 2022-10-23: 1.22.2a - TRV4 sleep time 6h 2022-10-20: 1.22.2 - C3 added in devices_config.h check: #if (BOARD_TYPE == 4) 2022-10-20: 1.22.1 - new sender_type = battery for TRV battery sensors 2022-10-19: 1.22.0 - added ESP32-C3, different wake up from GPIO (hibernate) and different cause of wake up (setup) - ESP32-C3 can wake up on HIGH or LOW, set up done on HIGH to be compatible with S/S2 boards - BOOTLOADER GPIO for ESP32-C3 is GPIO_9 - SDA = GPIO_8 - SCL = GPIO_9 - same as bootloader GPIO 2022-10-17: 1.21.6 - sorting LED when FW_UPGRADE_GPIO pressed: 1 - red when pressed 2 - after 3s red off, blue on 3 - after next 3s red on, blue off 2022-10-17: 1.21.5 - correction in wifi settings for wifi and espnow - both have all protocols enabled 2022-10-17: 1.21.4 - improved wifi settings for both wifi (all protocols) and espnow (LR only): 2022-10-17: 1.21.3 - testing long range esp_wifi_set_protocol( WIFI_IF_AP, WIFI_PROTOCOL_LR ); 2022-10-16: 1.21.2 - don't check MOTION_SENSOR_GPIO after wake up - just base on wake up reason it was bringing too many false positive motion=1 2022-10-16: 1.21.1 - added additional function to FW_UPGRADE_GPIO button: - 1 short press: fw_update - 1 press for 3 seconds (red goes to green at the end, then release it) - ESP.reset() - it resets MAX17048 and bootCount - 1 press for 6 seconds (green goes to red at the end, then release it) - format FS, - it resets ontime, bootCount and MAX17048 as sensors without charger would never reset ontime, even after changing/charging the battery 2022-10-01: 1.21.0 - change UPDATE_FIRMWARE_HOST to baboon server 2022-09-15: 1.20.1 - USE_CUSTOM_I2C_GPIO 2022-09-15: 1.20.0 - 5 devices finished (36, 100, 101, 102, 104), few minor improvements 2022-09-15: 1.20.b10 - software reset on 3s press of FW_UPGRADE_GPIO (until red led turns off and blue/green turns on) 2022-09-15: 1.20.b6 - corrections 2022-09-14: 1.20.b1 - making universal sketch for devices that can be either: env, motion or env+motion 2022-08-07: 1.19.b2 - corrections and cleaning the code 2022-08-06: 1.18.3 - major rework battery - send update to HA before FW upgrade starts 1.18.2 - lipo.reset() on FW_UPGRADE_GPIO or reset/power 1.18.1 - adding MAX17048 data from new boards 1.18.0 - correction in ext1 wakeup gpio mask - it calculates mask instead of hard coded pins 2022-08-05: 1.17.0 - official release 1.17.0 including both: env and motion sensors 2022-08-05: 1.16.0 - current load: 45uA in both: standby and cooling - FW update on button press 2022-08-04: 1.15.1 - battery monitoring (Volts) over ADC 1.15.0 - PIR motion detector wake up on GPIO and on heartbeat - no FW update yet