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Asynchronous WebServer library for Espressif MCUs
Copyright (c) 2016 Hristo Gochkov. All rights reserved.
This file is part of the esp8266 core for Arduino environment.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "ESPAsyncWebServer.h"
#include "WebResponseImpl.h"
#include "WebAuthentication.h"
#ifndef ESP8266
#define os_strlen strlen
static const String SharedEmptyString = String();
#define __is_param_char(c) ((c) && ((c) != '{') && ((c) != '[') && ((c) != '&') && ((c) != '='))
AsyncWebServerRequest::AsyncWebServerRequest(AsyncWebServer* s, AsyncClient* c)
: _client(c)
, _server(s)
, _handler(NULL)
, _response(NULL)
, _temp()
, _parseState(0)
, _version(0)
, _method(HTTP_ANY)
, _url()
, _host()
, _contentType()
, _boundary()
, _authorization()
, _reqconntype(RCT_HTTP)
, _isDigest(false)
, _isMultipart(false)
, _isPlainPost(false)
, _expectingContinue(false)
, _contentLength(0)
, _parsedLength(0)
, _headers(LinkedList<AsyncWebHeader *>([](AsyncWebHeader *h){ delete h; }))
, _params(LinkedList<AsyncWebParameter *>([](AsyncWebParameter *p){ delete p; }))
, _pathParams(LinkedList<String *>([](String *p){ delete p; }))
, _multiParseState(0)
, _boundaryPosition(0)
, _itemStartIndex(0)
, _itemSize(0)
, _itemName()
, _itemFilename()
, _itemType()
, _itemValue()
, _itemBuffer(0)
, _itemBufferIndex(0)
, _itemIsFile(false)
, _tempObject(NULL)
c->onError([](void *r, AsyncClient* c, int8_t error){ (void)c; AsyncWebServerRequest *req = (AsyncWebServerRequest*)r; req->_onError(error); }, this);
c->onAck([](void *r, AsyncClient* c, size_t len, uint32_t time){ (void)c; AsyncWebServerRequest *req = (AsyncWebServerRequest*)r; req->_onAck(len, time); }, this);
c->onDisconnect([](void *r, AsyncClient* c){ AsyncWebServerRequest *req = (AsyncWebServerRequest*)r; req->_onDisconnect(); delete c; }, this);
c->onTimeout([](void *r, AsyncClient* c, uint32_t time){ (void)c; AsyncWebServerRequest *req = (AsyncWebServerRequest*)r; req->_onTimeout(time); }, this);
c->onData([](void *r, AsyncClient* c, void *buf, size_t len){ (void)c; AsyncWebServerRequest *req = (AsyncWebServerRequest*)r; req->_onData(buf, len); }, this);
c->onPoll([](void *r, AsyncClient* c){ (void)c; AsyncWebServerRequest *req = ( AsyncWebServerRequest*)r; req->_onPoll(); }, this);
if(_response != NULL){
delete _response;
if(_tempObject != NULL){
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_onData(void *buf, size_t len){
size_t i = 0;
while (true) {
if(_parseState < PARSE_REQ_BODY){
// Find new line in buf
char *str = (char*)buf;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (str[i] == '\n') {
if (i == len) { // No new line, just add the buffer in _temp
char ch = str[len-1];
str[len-1] = 0;
} else { // Found new line - extract it and parse
str[i] = 0; // Terminate the string at the end of the line.
if (++i < len) {
// Still have more buffer to process
buf = str+i;
len-= i;
} else if(_parseState == PARSE_REQ_BODY){
// A handler should be already attached at this point in _parseLine function.
// If handler does nothing (_onRequest is NULL), we don't need to really parse the body.
const bool needParse = _handler && !_handler->isRequestHandlerTrivial();
size_t i;
for(i=0; i<len; i++){
_parseMultipartPostByte(((uint8_t*)buf)[i], i == len - 1);
} else
_parsedLength += len;
} else {
if(_parsedLength == 0){
_isPlainPost = true;
} else if(_contentType == "text/plain" && __is_param_char(((char*)buf)[0])){
size_t i = 0;
while (i<len && __is_param_char(((char*)buf)[i++]));
if(i < len && ((char*)buf)[i-1] == '='){
_isPlainPost = true;
if(!_isPlainPost) {
//check if authenticated before calling the body
if(_handler) _handler->handleBody(this, (uint8_t*)buf, len, _parsedLength, _contentLength);
_parsedLength += len;
} else if(needParse) {
size_t i;
for(i=0; i<len; i++){
} else {
_parsedLength += len;
if(_parsedLength == _contentLength){
_parseState = PARSE_REQ_END;
//check if authenticated before calling handleRequest and request auth instead
if(_handler) _handler->handleRequest(this);
else send(501);
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_removeNotInterestingHeaders(){
if (_interestingHeaders.containsIgnoreCase("ANY")) return; // nothing to do
for(const auto& header: _headers){
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_onPoll(){
if(_response != NULL && _client != NULL && _client->canSend() && !_response->_finished()){
_response->_ack(this, 0, 0);
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_onAck(size_t len, uint32_t time){
//os_printf("a:%u:%u\n", len, time);
if(_response != NULL){
_response->_ack(this, len, time);
} else {
AsyncWebServerResponse* r = _response;
_response = NULL;
delete r;
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_onError(int8_t error){
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_onTimeout(uint32_t time){
//os_printf("TIMEOUT: %u, state: %s\n", time, _client->stateToString());
void AsyncWebServerRequest::onDisconnect (ArDisconnectHandler fn){
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_onDisconnect(){
if(_onDisconnectfn) {
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_addParam(AsyncWebParameter *p){
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_addPathParam(const char *p){
_pathParams.add(new String(p));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_addGetParams(const String& params){
size_t start = 0;
while (start < params.length()){
int end = params.indexOf('&', start);
if (end < 0) end = params.length();
int equal = params.indexOf('=', start);
if (equal < 0 || equal > end) equal = end;
String name = params.substring(start, equal);
String value = equal + 1 < end ? params.substring(equal + 1, end) : String();
_addParam(new AsyncWebParameter(urlDecode(name), urlDecode(value)));
start = end + 1;
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::_parseReqHead(){
// Split the head into method, url and version
int index = _temp.indexOf(' ');
String m = _temp.substring(0, index);
index = _temp.indexOf(' ', index+1);
String u = _temp.substring(m.length()+1, index);
_temp = _temp.substring(index+1);
if(m == "GET"){
_method = HTTP_GET;
} else if(m == "POST"){
_method = HTTP_POST;
} else if(m == "DELETE"){
_method = HTTP_DELETE;
} else if(m == "PUT"){
_method = HTTP_PUT;
} else if(m == "PATCH"){
_method = HTTP_PATCH;
} else if(m == "HEAD"){
_method = HTTP_HEAD;
} else if(m == "OPTIONS"){
_method = HTTP_OPTIONS;
String g = String();
index = u.indexOf('?');
if(index > 0){
g = u.substring(index +1);
u = u.substring(0, index);
_url = urlDecode(u);
_version = 1;
_temp = String();
return true;
bool strContains(String src, String find, bool mindcase = true) {
int pos=0, i=0;
const int slen = src.length();
const int flen = find.length();
if (slen < flen) return false;
while (pos <= (slen - flen)) {
for (i=0; i < flen; i++) {
if (mindcase) {
if (src[pos+i] != find[i]) i = flen + 1; // no match
} else if (tolower(src[pos+i]) != tolower(find[i])) i = flen + 1; // no match
if (i == flen) return true;
return false;
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::_parseReqHeader(){
int index = _temp.indexOf(':');
String name = _temp.substring(0, index);
String value = _temp.substring(index + 2);
_host = value;
} else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")){
_contentType = value.substring(0, value.indexOf(';'));
if (value.startsWith("multipart/")){
_boundary = value.substring(value.indexOf('=')+1);
_isMultipart = true;
} else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length")){
_contentLength = atoi(value.c_str());
} else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Expect") && value == "100-continue"){
_expectingContinue = true;
} else if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Authorization")){
if(value.length() > 5 && value.substring(0,5).equalsIgnoreCase("Basic")){
_authorization = value.substring(6);
} else if(value.length() > 6 && value.substring(0,6).equalsIgnoreCase("Digest")){
_isDigest = true;
_authorization = value.substring(7);
} else {
if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Upgrade") && value.equalsIgnoreCase("websocket")){
// WebSocket request can be uniquely identified by header: [Upgrade: websocket]
_reqconntype = RCT_WS;
} else {
if(name.equalsIgnoreCase("Accept") && strContains(value, "text/event-stream", false)){
// WebEvent request can be uniquely identified by header: [Accept: text/event-stream]
_reqconntype = RCT_EVENT;
_headers.add(new AsyncWebHeader(name, value));
_temp = String();
return true;
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_parsePlainPostChar(uint8_t data){
if(data && (char)data != '&')
_temp += (char)data;
if(!data || (char)data == '&' || _parsedLength == _contentLength){
String name = "body";
String value = _temp;
if(!_temp.startsWith("{") && !_temp.startsWith("[") && _temp.indexOf('=') > 0){
name = _temp.substring(0, _temp.indexOf('='));
value = _temp.substring(_temp.indexOf('=') + 1);
_addParam(new AsyncWebParameter(urlDecode(name), urlDecode(value), true));
_temp = String();
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_handleUploadByte(uint8_t data, bool last){
_itemBuffer[_itemBufferIndex++] = data;
if(last || _itemBufferIndex == 1460){
//check if authenticated before calling the upload
_handler->handleUpload(this, _itemFilename, _itemSize - _itemBufferIndex, _itemBuffer, _itemBufferIndex, false);
_itemBufferIndex = 0;
enum {
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_parseMultipartPostByte(uint8_t data, bool last){
#define itemWriteByte(b) do { _itemSize++; if(_itemIsFile) _handleUploadByte(b, last); else _itemValue+=(char)(b); } while(0)
_multiParseState = EXPECT_BOUNDARY;
_temp = String();
_itemName = String();
_itemFilename = String();
_itemType = String();
if(_multiParseState == WAIT_FOR_RETURN1){
if(data != '\r'){
} else {
_multiParseState = EXPECT_FEED1;
} else if(_multiParseState == EXPECT_BOUNDARY){
if(_parsedLength < 2 && data != '-'){
_multiParseState = PARSE_ERROR;
} else if(_parsedLength - 2 < _boundary.length() && _boundary.c_str()[_parsedLength - 2] != data){
_multiParseState = PARSE_ERROR;
} else if(_parsedLength - 2 == _boundary.length() && data != '\r'){
_multiParseState = PARSE_ERROR;
} else if(_parsedLength - 3 == _boundary.length()){
if(data != '\n'){
_multiParseState = PARSE_ERROR;
_multiParseState = PARSE_HEADERS;
_itemIsFile = false;
} else if(_multiParseState == PARSE_HEADERS){
if((char)data != '\r' && (char)data != '\n')
_temp += (char)data;
if((char)data == '\n'){
if(_temp.length() > 12 && _temp.substring(0, 12).equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")){
_itemType = _temp.substring(14);
_itemIsFile = true;
} else if(_temp.length() > 19 && _temp.substring(0, 19).equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Disposition")){
_temp = _temp.substring(_temp.indexOf(';') + 2);
while(_temp.indexOf(';') > 0){
String name = _temp.substring(0, _temp.indexOf('='));
String nameVal = _temp.substring(_temp.indexOf('=') + 2, _temp.indexOf(';') - 1);
if(name == "name"){
_itemName = nameVal;
} else if(name == "filename"){
_itemFilename = nameVal;
_itemIsFile = true;
_temp = _temp.substring(_temp.indexOf(';') + 2);
String name = _temp.substring(0, _temp.indexOf('='));
String nameVal = _temp.substring(_temp.indexOf('=') + 2, _temp.length() - 1);
if(name == "name"){
_itemName = nameVal;
} else if(name == "filename"){
_itemFilename = nameVal;
_itemIsFile = true;
_temp = String();
} else {
_multiParseState = WAIT_FOR_RETURN1;
//value starts from here
_itemSize = 0;
_itemStartIndex = _parsedLength;
_itemValue = String();
_itemBuffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(1460);
if(_itemBuffer == NULL){
_multiParseState = PARSE_ERROR;
_itemBufferIndex = 0;
} else if(_multiParseState == EXPECT_FEED1){
if(data != '\n'){
_multiParseState = WAIT_FOR_RETURN1;
itemWriteByte('\r'); _parseMultipartPostByte(data, last);
} else {
_multiParseState = EXPECT_DASH1;
} else if(_multiParseState == EXPECT_DASH1){
if(data != '-'){
_multiParseState = WAIT_FOR_RETURN1;
itemWriteByte('\r'); itemWriteByte('\n'); _parseMultipartPostByte(data, last);
} else {
_multiParseState = EXPECT_DASH2;
} else if(_multiParseState == EXPECT_DASH2){
if(data != '-'){
_multiParseState = WAIT_FOR_RETURN1;
itemWriteByte('\r'); itemWriteByte('\n'); itemWriteByte('-'); _parseMultipartPostByte(data, last);
} else {
_multiParseState = BOUNDARY_OR_DATA;
_boundaryPosition = 0;
} else if(_multiParseState == BOUNDARY_OR_DATA){
if(_boundaryPosition < _boundary.length() && _boundary.c_str()[_boundaryPosition] != data){
_multiParseState = WAIT_FOR_RETURN1;
itemWriteByte('\r'); itemWriteByte('\n'); itemWriteByte('-'); itemWriteByte('-');
uint8_t i;
for(i=0; i<_boundaryPosition; i++)
_parseMultipartPostByte(data, last);
} else if(_boundaryPosition == _boundary.length() - 1){
_multiParseState = DASH3_OR_RETURN2;
_addParam(new AsyncWebParameter(_itemName, _itemValue, true));
} else {
//check if authenticated before calling the upload
if(_handler) _handler->handleUpload(this, _itemFilename, _itemSize - _itemBufferIndex, _itemBuffer, _itemBufferIndex, true);
_itemBufferIndex = 0;
_addParam(new AsyncWebParameter(_itemName, _itemFilename, true, true, _itemSize));
_itemBuffer = NULL;
} else {
} else if(_multiParseState == DASH3_OR_RETURN2){
if(data == '-' && (_contentLength - _parsedLength - 4) != 0){
//os_printf("ERROR: The parser got to the end of the POST but is expecting %u bytes more!\nDrop an issue so we can have more info on the matter!\n", _contentLength - _parsedLength - 4);
_contentLength = _parsedLength + 4;//lets close the request gracefully
if(data == '\r'){
_multiParseState = EXPECT_FEED2;
} else if(data == '-' && _contentLength == (_parsedLength + 4)){
_multiParseState = PARSING_FINISHED;
} else {
_multiParseState = WAIT_FOR_RETURN1;
itemWriteByte('\r'); itemWriteByte('\n'); itemWriteByte('-'); itemWriteByte('-');
uint8_t i; for(i=0; i<_boundary.length(); i++) itemWriteByte(_boundary.c_str()[i]);
_parseMultipartPostByte(data, last);
} else if(_multiParseState == EXPECT_FEED2){
if(data == '\n'){
_multiParseState = PARSE_HEADERS;
_itemIsFile = false;
} else {
_multiParseState = WAIT_FOR_RETURN1;
itemWriteByte('\r'); itemWriteByte('\n'); itemWriteByte('-'); itemWriteByte('-');
uint8_t i; for(i=0; i<_boundary.length(); i++) itemWriteByte(_boundary.c_str()[i]);
itemWriteByte('\r'); _parseMultipartPostByte(data, last);
void AsyncWebServerRequest::_parseLine(){
if(_parseState == PARSE_REQ_START){
_parseState = PARSE_REQ_FAIL;
} else {
_parseState = PARSE_REQ_HEADERS;
if(_parseState == PARSE_REQ_HEADERS){
//end of headers
const char * response = "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n";
_client->write(response, os_strlen(response));
//check handler for authentication
_parseState = PARSE_REQ_BODY;
} else {
_parseState = PARSE_REQ_END;
if(_handler) _handler->handleRequest(this);
else send(501);
} else _parseReqHeader();
size_t AsyncWebServerRequest::headers() const{
return _headers.length();
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::hasHeader(const String& name) const {
for(const auto& h: _headers){
return true;
return false;
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::hasHeader(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const {
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(data);
size_t n = 0;
while (1) {
if (pgm_read_byte(p+n) == 0) break;
n += 1;
char * name = (char*) malloc(n+1);
name[n] = 0;
if (name) {
for(size_t b=0; b<n; b++)
name[b] = pgm_read_byte(p++);
bool result = hasHeader( String(name) );
return result;
} else {
return false;
AsyncWebHeader* AsyncWebServerRequest::getHeader(const String& name) const {
for(const auto& h: _headers){
return h;
return nullptr;
AsyncWebHeader* AsyncWebServerRequest::getHeader(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const {
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(data);
size_t n = strlen_P(p);
char * name = (char*) malloc(n+1);
if (name) {
strcpy_P(name, p);
AsyncWebHeader* result = getHeader( String(name));
return result;
} else {
return nullptr;
AsyncWebHeader* AsyncWebServerRequest::getHeader(size_t num) const {
auto header = _headers.nth(num);
return header ? *header : nullptr;
size_t AsyncWebServerRequest::params() const {
return _params.length();
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::hasParam(const String& name, bool post, bool file) const {
for(const auto& p: _params){
if(p->name() == name && p->isPost() == post && p->isFile() == file){
return true;
return false;
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::hasParam(const __FlashStringHelper * data, bool post, bool file) const {
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(data);
size_t n = strlen_P(p);
char * name = (char*) malloc(n+1);
name[n] = 0;
if (name) {
bool result = hasParam( name, post, file);
return result;
} else {
return false;
AsyncWebParameter* AsyncWebServerRequest::getParam(const String& name, bool post, bool file) const {
for(const auto& p: _params){
if(p->name() == name && p->isPost() == post && p->isFile() == file){
return p;
return nullptr;
AsyncWebParameter* AsyncWebServerRequest::getParam(const __FlashStringHelper * data, bool post, bool file) const {
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(data);
size_t n = strlen_P(p);
char * name = (char*) malloc(n+1);
if (name) {
strcpy_P(name, p);
AsyncWebParameter* result = getParam(name, post, file);
return result;
} else {
return nullptr;
AsyncWebParameter* AsyncWebServerRequest::getParam(size_t num) const {
auto param = _params.nth(num);
return param ? *param : nullptr;
void AsyncWebServerRequest::addInterestingHeader(const String& name){
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send(AsyncWebServerResponse *response){
_response = response;
if(_response == NULL){
delete response;
_response = NULL;
else {
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponse(int code, const String& contentType, const String& content){
return new AsyncBasicResponse(code, contentType, content);
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponse(FS &fs, const String& path, const String& contentType, bool download, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
if(fs.exists(path) || (!download && fs.exists(path+".gz")))
return new AsyncFileResponse(fs, path, contentType, download, callback);
return NULL;
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponse(File content, const String& path, const String& contentType, bool download, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
if(content == true)
return new AsyncFileResponse(content, path, contentType, download, callback);
return NULL;
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponse(Stream &stream, const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
return new AsyncStreamResponse(stream, contentType, len, callback);
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponse(const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback){
return new AsyncCallbackResponse(contentType, len, callback, templateCallback);
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginChunkedResponse(const String& contentType, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback){
return new AsyncChunkedResponse(contentType, callback, templateCallback);
return new AsyncCallbackResponse(contentType, 0, callback, templateCallback);
AsyncResponseStream * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponseStream(const String& contentType, size_t bufferSize){
return new AsyncResponseStream(contentType, bufferSize);
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponse_P(int code, const String& contentType, const uint8_t * content, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
return new AsyncProgmemResponse(code, contentType, content, len, callback);
AsyncWebServerResponse * AsyncWebServerRequest::beginResponse_P(int code, const String& contentType, PGM_P content, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
return beginResponse_P(code, contentType, (const uint8_t *)content, strlen_P(content), callback);
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send(int code, const String& contentType, const String& content){
send(beginResponse(code, contentType, content));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send(FS &fs, const String& path, const String& contentType, bool download, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
if(fs.exists(path) || (!download && fs.exists(path+".gz"))){
send(beginResponse(fs, path, contentType, download, callback));
} else send(404);
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send(File content, const String& path, const String& contentType, bool download, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
if(content == true){
send(beginResponse(content, path, contentType, download, callback));
} else send(404);
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send(Stream &stream, const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
send(beginResponse(stream, contentType, len, callback));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send(const String& contentType, size_t len, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback){
send(beginResponse(contentType, len, callback, templateCallback));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::sendChunked(const String& contentType, AwsResponseFiller callback, AwsTemplateProcessor templateCallback){
send(beginChunkedResponse(contentType, callback, templateCallback));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send_P(int code, const String& contentType, const uint8_t * content, size_t len, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
send(beginResponse_P(code, contentType, content, len, callback));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::send_P(int code, const String& contentType, PGM_P content, AwsTemplateProcessor callback){
send(beginResponse_P(code, contentType, content, callback));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::redirect(const String& url){
AsyncWebServerResponse * response = beginResponse(302);
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::authenticate(const char * username, const char * password, const char * realm, bool passwordIsHash){
return checkDigestAuthentication(_authorization.c_str(), methodToString(), username, password, realm, passwordIsHash, NULL, NULL, NULL);
else if(!passwordIsHash)
return checkBasicAuthentication(_authorization.c_str(), username, password);
return _authorization.equals(password);
return false;
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::authenticate(const char * hash){
if(!_authorization.length() || hash == NULL)
return false;
String hStr = String(hash);
int separator = hStr.indexOf(":");
if(separator <= 0)
return false;
String username = hStr.substring(0, separator);
hStr = hStr.substring(separator + 1);
separator = hStr.indexOf(":");
if(separator <= 0)
return false;
String realm = hStr.substring(0, separator);
hStr = hStr.substring(separator + 1);
return checkDigestAuthentication(_authorization.c_str(), methodToString(), username.c_str(), hStr.c_str(), realm.c_str(), true, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return (_authorization.equals(hash));
void AsyncWebServerRequest::requestAuthentication(const char * realm, bool isDigest){
AsyncWebServerResponse * r = beginResponse(401);
if(!isDigest && realm == NULL){
r->addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Login Required\"");
} else if(!isDigest){
String header = "Basic realm=\"";
r->addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", header);
} else {
String header = "Digest ";
r->addHeader("WWW-Authenticate", header);
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::hasArg(const char* name) const {
for(const auto& arg: _params){
if(arg->name() == name){
return true;
return false;
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::hasArg(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const {
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(data);
size_t n = strlen_P(p);
char * name = (char*) malloc(n+1);
if (name) {
strcpy_P(name, p);
bool result = hasArg( name );
return result;
} else {
return false;
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::arg(const String& name) const {
for(const auto& arg: _params){
if(arg->name() == name){
return arg->value();
return SharedEmptyString;
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::arg(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const {
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(data);
size_t n = strlen_P(p);
char * name = (char*) malloc(n+1);
if (name) {
strcpy_P(name, p);
const String & result = arg( String(name) );
return result;
} else {
return SharedEmptyString;
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::arg(size_t i) const {
return getParam(i)->value();
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::argName(size_t i) const {
return getParam(i)->name();
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::pathArg(size_t i) const {
auto param = _pathParams.nth(i);
return param ? **param : SharedEmptyString;
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::header(const char* name) const {
AsyncWebHeader* h = getHeader(String(name));
return h ? h->value() : SharedEmptyString;
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::header(const __FlashStringHelper * data) const {
PGM_P p = reinterpret_cast<PGM_P>(data);
size_t n = strlen_P(p);
char * name = (char*) malloc(n+1);
if (name) {
strcpy_P(name, p);
const String & result = header( (const char *)name );
return result;
} else {
return SharedEmptyString;
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::header(size_t i) const {
AsyncWebHeader* h = getHeader(i);
return h ? h->value() : SharedEmptyString;
const String& AsyncWebServerRequest::headerName(size_t i) const {
AsyncWebHeader* h = getHeader(i);
return h ? h->name() : SharedEmptyString;
String AsyncWebServerRequest::urlDecode(const String& text) const {
char temp[] = "0x00";
unsigned int len = text.length();
unsigned int i = 0;
String decoded = String();
decoded.reserve(len); // Allocate the string internal buffer - never longer from source text
while (i < len){
char decodedChar;
char encodedChar = text.charAt(i++);
if ((encodedChar == '%') && (i + 1 < len)){
temp[2] = text.charAt(i++);
temp[3] = text.charAt(i++);
decodedChar = strtol(temp, NULL, 16);
} else if (encodedChar == '+') {
decodedChar = ' ';
} else {
decodedChar = encodedChar; // normal ascii char
return decoded;
const char * AsyncWebServerRequest::methodToString() const {
if(_method == HTTP_ANY) return "ANY";
else if(_method & HTTP_GET) return "GET";
else if(_method & HTTP_POST) return "POST";
else if(_method & HTTP_DELETE) return "DELETE";
else if(_method & HTTP_PUT) return "PUT";
else if(_method & HTTP_PATCH) return "PATCH";
else if(_method & HTTP_HEAD) return "HEAD";
else if(_method & HTTP_OPTIONS) return "OPTIONS";
return "UNKNOWN";
const char *AsyncWebServerRequest::requestedConnTypeToString() const {
switch (_reqconntype) {
case RCT_NOT_USED: return "RCT_NOT_USED";
case RCT_HTTP: return "RCT_HTTP";
case RCT_WS: return "RCT_WS";
case RCT_EVENT: return "RCT_EVENT";
default: return "ERROR";
bool AsyncWebServerRequest::isExpectedRequestedConnType(RequestedConnectionType erct1, RequestedConnectionType erct2, RequestedConnectionType erct3) {
bool res = false;
if ((erct1 != RCT_NOT_USED) && (erct1 == _reqconntype)) res = true;
if ((erct2 != RCT_NOT_USED) && (erct2 == _reqconntype)) res = true;
if ((erct3 != RCT_NOT_USED) && (erct3 == _reqconntype)) res = true;
return res;