//////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEVICE-SPECIFIC PROGRAMMABLE SWITCH SERVICES // //////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct DEV_ProgButton : Service::StatelessProgrammableSwitch { // Stateless Programmable Switch SpanCharacteristic *switchEvent; // reference to the ProgrammableSwitchEvent Characteristic DEV_ProgButton(int buttonPin, int index) : Service::StatelessProgrammableSwitch(){ switchEvent=new Characteristic::ProgrammableSwitchEvent(); // Programmable Switch Event Characteristic (will be set to SINGLE, DOUBLE or LONG press) new Characteristic::ServiceLabelIndex(index); // set service label index (only required if there is more than one Stateless Programmable Switch per Service) new SpanButton(buttonPin); // create new SpanButton Serial.print("Configuring Programmable Pushbutton: Pin="); // initialization message Serial.print(buttonPin); Serial.print(" Index="); Serial.print(index); Serial.print("\n"); } // end constructor // We do NOT need to implement an update() method or a loop() method - just the button() method: void button(int pin, int pressType) override { LOG1("Found button press on pin: "); // always a good idea to log messages LOG1(pin); LOG1(" type: "); LOG1(pressType==SpanButton::LONG?"LONG":(pressType==SpanButton::SINGLE)?"SINGLE":"DOUBLE"); LOG1("\n"); // All the action occurs in this single line below. We simply set the value of the Programmable Switch Event Characteristic // to the value provided by pressType. The values of pressType (0=SpanButton::SINGLE, 1=SpanButton::DOUBLE, and 2=SpanButton::LONG) // were designed to match the required values of the Programmable Switch Event Characteristic. switchEvent->setVal(pressType); // set the value of the switchEvent Characteristic } }; //////////////////////////////////