/********************************************************************************* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2022 Gregg E. Berman * * https://github.com/HomeSpan/HomeSpan * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * ********************************************************************************/ // HomeSpan Addressable RGB LED Examples. Demonstrates use of: // // * HomeSpan Pixel Class that provides for control of single-wire addressable RGB and RGBW LEDs, such as the WS2812 and SK6812 // * HomeSpan Dot Class that provides for control of two-wire addressable RGB LEDs, such as the APA102 and SK9822 // // IMPORTANT: YOU LIKELY WILL NEED TO CHANGE THE PIN NUMBERS BELOW TO MATCH YOUR SPECIFIC ESP32/S2/C3 BOARD // #if defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32) #define NEOPIXEL_RGB_PIN 26 #define NEOPIXEL_RGBW_PIN 32 #define DOTSTAR_DATA_PIN 33 #define DOTSTAR_CLOCK_PIN 27 #define DEVICE_SUFFIX "" #elif defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32S2) #define NEOPIXEL_RGB_PIN 17 #define NEOPIXEL_RGBW_PIN 38 #define DOTSTAR_DATA_PIN 3 #define DOTSTAR_CLOCK_PIN 7 #define DEVICE_SUFFIX "-S2" #elif defined(CONFIG_IDF_TARGET_ESP32C3) #define NEOPIXEL_RGB_PIN 0 #define NEOPIXEL_RGBW_PIN 3 #define DOTSTAR_DATA_PIN 7 #define DOTSTAR_CLOCK_PIN 2 #define DEVICE_SUFFIX "-C3" #endif #include "HomeSpan.h" #include "extras/Pixel.h" // include the HomeSpan Pixel class /////////////////////////////// struct NeoPixel_RGB : Service::LightBulb { // Addressable single-wire RGB LED Strand (e.g. NeoPixel) Characteristic::On power{0,true}; Characteristic::Hue H{0,true}; Characteristic::Saturation S{0,true}; Characteristic::Brightness V{100,true}; Pixel *pixel; int nPixels; NeoPixel_RGB(uint8_t pin, int nPixels) : Service::LightBulb(){ V.setRange(5,100,1); // sets the range of the Brightness to be from a min of 5%, to a max of 100%, in steps of 1% pixel=new Pixel(pin); // creates Pixel LED on specified pin this->nPixels=nPixels; // save number of Pixels in this LED Strand update(); // manually call update() to set pixel with restored initial values } boolean update() override { int p=power.getNewVal(); float h=H.getNewVal(); // range = [0,360] float s=S.getNewVal(); // range = [0,100] float v=V.getNewVal(); // range = [0,100] Pixel::Color color; pixel->set(color.HSV(h*p, s*p, v*p),nPixels); // sets all nPixels to the same HSV color return(true); } }; /////////////////////////////// struct NeoPixel_RGBW : Service::LightBulb { // Addressable single-wire RGBW LED Strand (e.g. NeoPixel) Characteristic::On power{0,true}; Characteristic::Brightness V{100,true}; Characteristic::ColorTemperature T{140,true}; Pixel *pixel; int nPixels; NeoPixel_RGBW(uint8_t pin, int nPixels) : Service::LightBulb(){ V.setRange(5,100,1); // sets the range of the Brightness to be from a min of 5%, to a max of 100%, in steps of 1% pixel=new Pixel(pin,true); // creates Pixel RGBW LED (second parameter set to true for RGBW) on specified pin this->nPixels=nPixels; // save number of Pixels in this LED Strand update(); // manually call update() to set pixel with restored initial values } boolean update() override { int p=power.getNewVal(); float v=V.getNewVal(); // range = [0,100] float t=T.getNewVal(); // range = [140,500] (140=coldest, 500=warmest) float hue=240-(t-140)/3; // add in a splash of color between blue and green to simulated change of color temperature // Pixel::Color color; // if static HSV method is used (below), there is no need to first create a Color object pixel->set(pixel->HSV(hue, 100, v*p, v*p),nPixels); // sets all nPixels to the same HSV color (note use of static method pixel->HSV, instead of defining and setting Pixel::Color) return(true); } }; /////////////////////////////// struct DotStar_RGB : Service::LightBulb { // Addressable two-wire RGB LED Strand (e.g. DotStar) Characteristic::On power{0,true}; Characteristic::Hue H{0,true}; Characteristic::Saturation S{0,true}; Characteristic::Brightness V{100,true}; Dot *pixel; int nPixels; DotStar_RGB(uint8_t dataPin, uint8_t clockPin, int nPixels) : Service::LightBulb(){ V.setRange(5,100,1); // sets the range of the Brightness to be from a min of 5%, to a max of 100%, in steps of 1% pixel=new Dot(dataPin,clockPin); // creates Dot LED on specified pins this->nPixels=nPixels; // save number of Pixels in this LED Strand update(); // manually call update() to set pixel with restored initial values update(); // call second update() a second time - DotStar seems to need to be "refreshed" upon start-up } boolean update() override { int p=power.getNewVal(); float h=H.getNewVal(); // range = [0,360] float s=S.getNewVal(); // range = [0,100] float v=V.getNewVal(); // range = [0,100] Dot::Color color[nPixels]; // create an arrary of Colors float hueStep=360.0/nPixels; // step size for change in hue from one pixel to the next for(int i=0;iset(color,nPixels); // set the colors according to the array return(true); } }; /////////////////////////////// void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); homeSpan.begin(Category::Lighting,"Pixel LEDS" DEVICE_SUFFIX); SPAN_ACCESSORY(); // create Bridge (note this sketch uses the SPAN_ACCESSORY() macro, introduced in v1.5.1 --- see the HomeSpan API Reference for details on this convenience macro) SPAN_ACCESSORY("Neo RGB"); new NeoPixel_RGB(NEOPIXEL_RGB_PIN,8); // create 8-LED NeoPixel RGB Strand with full color control SPAN_ACCESSORY("Neo RGBW"); new NeoPixel_RGBW(NEOPIXEL_RGBW_PIN,60); // create 60-LED NeoPixel RGBW Strand with simulated color temperature control SPAN_ACCESSORY("Dot RGB"); new DotStar_RGB(DOTSTAR_DATA_PIN,DOTSTAR_CLOCK_PIN,30); // create 30-LED DotStar RGB Strand displaying a spectrum of colors and using the current-limiting feature of DotStars to create flicker-free dimming } /////////////////////////////// void loop() { homeSpan.poll(); } ///////////////////////////////