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2024-07-20 21:58:04 +01:00
#include "extras/PwmPin.h" // NEW! Include this HomeSpan "extra" to create LED-compatible PWM signals on one or more pins
struct DEV_LED : Service::LightBulb { // ON/OFF LED
int ledPin; // pin number defined for this LED
SpanCharacteristic *power; // reference to the On Characteristic
DEV_LED(int ledPin) : Service::LightBulb(){ // constructor() method
power=new Characteristic::On();
} // end constructor
boolean update(){ // update() method
return(true); // return true
} // update
// Here's the new code defining DEV_DimmableLED - changes from above are noted in the comments
struct DEV_DimmableLED : Service::LightBulb { // Dimmable LED
LedPin *ledPin; // NEW! Create reference to LED Pin instantiated below
SpanCharacteristic *power; // reference to the On Characteristic
SpanCharacteristic *level; // NEW! Create a reference to the Brightness Characteristic instantiated below
DEV_DimmableLED(int pin) : Service::LightBulb(){ // constructor() method
power=new Characteristic::On();
level=new Characteristic::Brightness(50); // NEW! Instantiate the Brightness Characteristic with an initial value of 50% (same as we did in Example 4)
level->setRange(5,100,1); // NEW! This sets the range of the Brightness to be from a min of 5%, to a max of 100%, in steps of 1% (different from Example 4 values)
this->ledPin=new LedPin(pin); // NEW! Configures a PWM LED for output to the specified pin. Note pinMode() does NOT need to be called in advance
} // end constructor
boolean update(){ // update() method
// Here we set the brightness of the LED by calling ledPin->set(brightness), where brightness=0-100.
// Note HomeKit sets the on/off status of a LightBulb separately from its brightness, which means HomeKit
// can request a LightBulb be turned off, but still retains the brightness level so that it does not need
// to be resent once the LightBulb is turned back on.
// Multiplying the newValue of the On Characteristic ("power", which is a boolean) with the newValue of the
// Brightness Characteristic ("level", which is an integer) is a short-hand way of creating the logic to
// set the LED level to zero when the LightBulb is off, or to the current brightness level when it is on.
return(true); // return true
} // update